Friday, December 30, 2011

Sous-vide gyros

I tried to make gyros today - 1 lbs ground lamb and .75 lbs ground pork, small onion plus basic spices in the mortar (marojam powder, rosemary, garlic powder, tiny piece of clove, a hint of paprika, oregano, greek seasoning (oregano, msg, etc.), juice from one lemon - I forgot the ground black pepper...). Processed quite a bit in my food processor to change the texture.

The first use was just to fry some of the mixture in the frying pan - it came out OK. I didn't have a wrap to put it in so I just ate it with store made tzatziki (which was actually pretty good). The texture was OK but lacking in flavor (not enough fat in the meat is at least part of the problem).

Since I was already sous-vide'ing a Jamacian skirt steak at 131F (trying for a much longer cooking time to see if it will help break down the tasty skirt steak), I came up with a plan to sous-vide some of the mixture for my second course. This turned out pretty interesting. If you put a scoop of the mixture in a plastic bag, and then make a .25" flat "patty" about the thickness of gyros meat but filling up the entire bad. After cooking for 45 minutes, it retained it's shape and I cut it into 2x5" strips. I finished those strips on a really hot grill for a minute a side.

Flavor wise, no improvement but it was pretty interesting that I was able to get the shape to be like a sub-shop gyro.

I put a couple of bags of the mixture into bags as before and threw them into the freezer - figure I'll have gyros later in the week (they just need a little more time in the water bath to defrost).

Next time I will try a 80/20 beef plus lamb mixture and more spices (especially garlic and maybe allspice and other ingredients I saw in some of the recipes).

Sous-vide eggs

I tried my first sous-vide eggs yesterday - 144F for 45 minutes - crumbled seasoned seaweed and a little soy sauce. The whites were a little under-cooked, but the yolks seemed about right. I think next time I'll try 146 for 35 minutes and then cheese and a buttered English muffin.